Tuesday, 4 June 2013

a fantastic all day mod event in birmingham

filmed back in may, a brilliant all day event in Birmingham.celebrating mod culture, i appear in this twice very briefly thank god.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

hard at work getting ready for a mini exhibition

Click for bigger (90 kb)

did loads of work on this today, a fly screen spot lights, mirrors and a host of details and wiring.

the public art gallery in my home town of west bromwich are hosting an exhibition of my stuff, no details yet as to when but its happening soon.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

sea apes, surf

quickly lashed together a video for one of our songs , a few scenes at the end never seen before

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ever fancied your own personal DC3,

My old friend Steve Slater can make it so. Beautify crafted 1/72 scale models with custom decals and paint, finished to a very high standard Click for bigger (464 kb) here's one he made for me a few years ago. Click for bigger (495 kb) and heres one he made for his brother in law Dave, who is also the photographer. Click for bigger (106 kb) and one for the trekies work in progress. you can contact steve, through me if you fancy one of your own, the skies the limit. prices start around £60.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

this week i have mostly been drawing airships

Click for bigger (315 kb) great shame they never really caught on, planning on building one 1/72nd scale.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

silent running bot

Click for bigger (219 kb) just completed this hellishly complicated paper model, get it here, check out his other stuff its awesome. uhu02.way-nifty.com/die_eule_der_minerva/033.html