the boot eyelet on the side of the dome was taken out and replaced with a brass and copper lens arrangement, this was fabricated from bits of tube with a tiny domed glass lens at the tip.
finally got rid of the ugly steel rail on the left hand side and replaced it with a water level glass, more like the one in the original illustration.
i also found some tiny glass ampules, the bases of which made excellent glazing for the big lens and the steam gauges, i never really liked the plastic ones they were just somehow wrong.
i used a dremmel to grind the lenses they were a devil to get right

What a great job.
Many congratulations ... I have a great envy for his work with metal.
I am fond steampunk metal work, but my pieces are very small. I have big problems with welds. You can visit my blog (alrededordelmundo.
May I you that I include in my blog your work?
Congratulations again
Sorry my inglish is made Google :)
That,Sir,is a piece of true art.But I don't know why're selling it.(and for such a cheap start price as well)
Very cool...
... I want to marry whoever made this.
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